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dc.contributor.authorМаксимук, О.В.ru
dc.contributor.authorВласова, С.В.ru
dc.contributor.authorЛимаренко, О.В.ru
dc.contributor.authorКолесникова, Н.Н.ru
dc.contributor.authorMaksimuk, O.V.en
dc.contributor.authorVlasova, S.V.en
dc.contributor.authorLimarenko, O.V.en
dc.contributor.authorKolesnikova, N.N.en
dc.identifier.citationКоррекция психоэмоционального состояния женщин в физкультурно-оздоровительных группах / О.В. Максимук, С.В. Власова, О.В. Лимаренко, Н.Н. Колесникова // Теория и практика физической культуры : ежемесячный научно-теоретический журнал. – 2013. – № 2. – С.
dc.description.abstractNowadays the term "fitness" is closely correlated with the term of "healthy way of life", used more for definition of healthy way of life generally in all diversity than to determine certain modern programs of physical trainings, rehabilitation measures and places where they are to be carried out: from optimal regime and rational nutrition to complex program of recreation-al measures, including both physical trainings and massage, sauna, cosmetic procedures etc. As assumed by the majority of experts, the key aspect in healthy way of life is active health creation, inclusive of all its components. The purpose of the study was to examine the psychoemotional status of women from groups of remedial gymnastics and correct this state by means of exercises of dance movement therapy. As follows from the data received, the offered classes with the use of exercises of dance movement therapy in the experimental group promoted leveling existing conflicts, status of physiological problems of the ones engaged. The use of the exercises of dance movement therapy promoted improvement in psychoemotional status of women in the experimental group, decreasing their anxiety level. MThe method of classes of remedial gymnastics subjected by the authors renders a positive effect on the indices of physical, psychological and social statuses. The classes provoked an increase of the women's motivation to exercises, formation of stable need for leading healthy way of life.en
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.subjecthealthy way of lifeen
dc.subjectremedial gymnasticsen
dc.subjectpsychoemotional statusen
dc.subjectdance movement therapyen
dc.subjectздоровый образ жизниru
dc.subjectоздоровительная физическая культураru
dc.subjectпсихоэмоциональное состояниеru
dc.subjectтанцевально-двигательная терапияru
dc.titleКоррекция психоэмоционального состояния женщин в физкультурно-оздоровительных группахru
dc.title.alternativeCorrection of women's psychoemotional status in groups of remedial gymnasticsru
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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