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Title: Glu- and Lys-forms of plasminogen distinctly affect platelet aggregation, secretion and phosphatidylserine exposure
Authors: Roka-Moiia, Y.
Tykhomyrov, A.
Guzyk, M.
Grinenko, T.
Zhernossekov, D.
Keywords: plasminogen
platelet secretion
phosphatidylserine exposure
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Budapest
Citation: Glu- and Lys-forms of plasminogen distinctly affect platelet aggregation, secretion and phosphatidylserine exposure / Y. Roka-Moiia [etc.] // 7th TriNet Meeting - RECOOP Аnnual Project Review Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, October 6-9, 2016. – Budapest, 2016. – P. 97.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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