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dc.contributor.authorNikandrov, V.N.-
dc.contributor.authorVorobyova, G.V.-
dc.contributor.authorYankovskaya, G.S.-
dc.contributor.authorDemidchik, N.V.-
dc.identifier.citationConformation ability test of human, rabbit and bovine plasminogens and their specific interaction with streptokinase / V.N. Nikandrov, G. V. Vorobyova, G.S.Yankovskaya, N. V. Demidchik // International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. – 1992. – Vol. 14, № 4. – Р.
dc.description.abstractHuman, rabbit and bovine plasminogens, having different sensitivity to streptokinase-activating action, differ, according to spectrophotometric titration, tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, in the state of tyrosine and tryptophan residues, and in secondary and tertiary structures. Human plasminogen-streptokinase equimolar complex formation (according to gel chromatography) is accompanied by a differential ultraviolet spectrum. Difference spectroscopy is a convenient and adequate means of studying the formation of the said complexes. Streptokinase-human plasminogen complex formation is not hindered by partial substitution of water (20%) with ethanol or dimethylsulphoxide or by addition of O.OOIMsodium dodecylsulphate. The complex is not formed in 6 M urea, in solution, at pH < 2.0 or ~12.0-13.0, or with bovine plasminogen. Circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence spectral pattern changes during streptokinase-plasminogen complexformation enable us to conclude that streptokinase secondary and tertiary structures undergo certain rearrangements in theframework of the complex, while tryptophan-containing sites of the molecule are not drastically changed. The data obtained enable us to presuppose formation of streptokinase-rabbit plasminogen complexes which differ from human plasminogen complexes with
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.subjecthuman plasminogenru
dc.titleConformation ability test of human, rabbit and bovine plasminogens and their specific interaction with streptokinaseru
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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