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Title: Стаўленне самадзяржаўя i правых шавiнiстычных арганiзацый да беларускага адраджэння ў 1907–1914 гады
Other Titles: The attitude of the autocracy and the right chauvinistic organizations to the Belarusian revival in 1907-1914
Authors: Цуба, М.В.
Tsuba, M.
Keywords: самадзяржаўе
шавiнiстычныя арганiзацыi
беларускае адраджэнне
царскiя ўлады
беларусiя губернi
Дзяржаўная дума
chauvinist organizations
Belarusian revival
tsarist power
Belarusian gubernias
state Duma
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Минск : РИВШ
Citation: Цуба, М.В. Стаўленне самадзяржаўя i правых шавiнiстычных арганiзацый да беларускага адраджэння ў 1907–1914 гады / М.В. Цуба // "Долгий ХІХ век" в истории Беларуси и Восточной Европы: исследования по Новой и Новейшей истории : сборник научных трудов / Государственное учреждение образования «Республиканский институт высшей школы»; редкол.: И. А. Марзалюк (пред.) [и др.]. – Минск : РИВШ, 2017. – Вып. 1. – С. 138-148.
Abstract: This article reflects a variety of previously insufficiently explored problems associated with systematic persecutions, repressions, administrative prohibitions from the side of the tsarist authorities and constant attacks by right-wing Russian and Polish chauvinist organizations on the Belarusian national movement in the post-war period 1907-1914. Particular attention is paid to the conditions and circumstances that took place during the investigated period, as well as to the forms and methods of activity of anti-Belamsian forces directed against the Belarusian national revival.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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