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Title: Генетическая вариабельность аборигенных и инвазивных видов тлей родов Macrosiphum Pass. и Brachycaudus Van der Goot
Other Titles: Genetic variability of aboriginal and invasive species of aphids of genera Macrosiphum Pass. and Brachycaudus Van der Goot
Authors: Воробьева, М.М.
Супранович, П.К.
Воронова, Н.В.
Varabyova, M.M.
Supranovich, P.K.
Voronova, N.V.
Keywords: генетика
генетическая вариабельность
macrosiphum pass
brachycaudus van der goot
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: Воробьева, М.М. Генетическая вариабельность аборигенных и инвазивных видов тлей родов Macrosiphum Pass. и Brachycaudus Van der Goot / М.М. Воробьева, П.К. Супранович, Н.В. Воронова // Труды Белорусского государственного университета. Физиологические, биохимические и молекулярные основы функционирования биосистем : научный журнал. – 2014. – Т. 9, Ч. 2. − С. 135–142.
Abstract: The study of genetic structure of populations of aphid of genera Macrosiphum and Brachycaudus in Belarus and Armenia was carried out. Methods for analysis of non-coding (STR) and highly conserved (COI) DNA were used to compare the level of genetic variability of invasive and aborigine populations. It was shown that the genetic variability within populations of M. rosae and M. knautiae was not high, despite the significant geographical remoteness. The samples from Belarus were more variable than samples that samples collected in Armenia. The invasive populations of B. divaricatae from Belarus had a lower level of genetic variability in comparison with the aborigine forms from Armenia.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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