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Title: Аптымiзацыя аграхiмiчных прыемаў вырошчвання фасолi агароднiнай
Other Titles: Optimization of agrochemical methods of green beans cultivation
Authors: Босак, В.М.
Скарына, У.У.
Мiнюк, В.М.
Bosak, V.M.
Skaryna, U.U.
Minyuk, V.M.
Keywords: фасоль
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Босак, В.М. Аптымiзацыя аграхiмiчных прыемаў вырошчвання фасолi агароднiнай / В.М. Босак, У.У. Скарына, В.М. Мінюк // Весцi Нацыянальнай акадэмii навук Беларусі. Серыя аграрных навук : научный журнал. – 2015. – № 1. – С. 65–68.
Abstract: In the researches on sod-podzolic sandy loamy soil the application of mineral fertilizers N30-70P40K90, microelements (boric acid, ammonium molybdate, liquid complex fertilizer) and growth regulators (epin, hydrohumate, mаltamin) increases the yield of green beans by 19.05–21.22 dt/ha and raw protein content by 15.4–16.4%. The optimization of agrochemical methods while cultivating green beans ensures the net income 6,5–89,5 $/ha with the profitability 16–61 %.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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