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dc.contributor.authorМишаева, Н.П.-
dc.contributor.authorЯшкова, С.Е.-
dc.contributor.authorСеньковец, Т.А.-
dc.contributor.authorАзарова, И.А.-
dc.contributor.authorГорбунов, В.А.-
dc.contributor.authorMishaeva, N.P.-
dc.contributor.authorYashkova, S.E.-
dc.contributor.authorSenkovets, T.A.-
dc.contributor.authorAzarova, I.A.-
dc.contributor.authorGorbunov, V.A.-
dc.identifier.citationПервый случай обнаружения Rickettsia raoultii sp. nov. - возбудителя пятнистой лихорадки в иксодовых клещах Республики Беларусь / Н.П. Мишаева [и др.] // Достижения медицинской науки Беларуси: рецензируемый науч.-практ. ежегодник. Вып. 19 / М-во здравоохранения Респ. Беларусь, ГУ «Респ. науч. мед. б-ка»; ред.: В.И. Жарко (гл. ред.) и др. — Минск : ГУ РНМБ, 2014. — С. 38 –
dc.description.abstractThe pasture ticks Ixodes ricinusand Dermacentor reticulatus were examined for carriage of tick-borne spotted fever pathogens. It was found that D. reticulatus were infected by R. raoultiifrom 22.6% (ticks collected from vegetation) to 35.5% (ticks collected from cattle). The ticks I. ricinus, collected from vegetation, were investigated with negative results, but they were infected with other tick-borne spotted fever pathogens: R. helvetica (10.0%) and R. monacensis (1.6%). Field of application: diagnosis of tick-borne spotted fever. Recommendations for use: study on the infestation of Dermacentor and Ixodes ticks with tick-borne spotted fever pathogens and other Rickettsia. Offers for cooperation: advice by the bite of the
dc.publisherМинск : ГУ РНМБru
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.subjectиксодовые клещиru
dc.subjectIxodes ricinusru
dc.subjectDermacentor reticulatusru
dc.subjectR. raoultiiru
dc.titleПервый случай обнаружения Rickettsia raoultii sp. nov. - возбудителя пятнистой лихорадки в иксодовых клещах Республики Беларусьru
dc.title.alternativeFirst case detection of rickettsia raoultii sp. Nov. - Pathogen of spotted fever in ticks of the Republic of Belarusru
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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