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Title: Критерии соревновательной деятельности легкоатлетов в эстафетном беге 4 х 400 м
Other Titles: Criteria of competitive activity of athletes in 4 x 400 meter relay race
Authors: Мирзоев, О.М.
Врублевский, Е.П.
Mirzoev, O.M.
Vrublevsky, E.P.
Keywords: relay baton
“passing zone”
criteria of technical and tactical mastership
competitive activity
эстафетная палочка
«зона передачи»
критерии технического и тактического мастерства
соревновательная деятельность
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Мирзоев, О.М. Критерии соревновательной деятельности легкоатлетов в эстафетном беге 4 х 400 м / О.М. Мирзоев, Е.П. Врублевский // Теория и практика физической культуры : научно-теоретический журнал. – 2009. – № 6. – С. 77–80.
Abstract: The purpose of the present research was to develop and substantiate criteria of technical and tactical mastership in 4 х 400 meter relay race. The long-term researches served the basis for development of informative criteria of competitive activity of athletes, specialized in 4 х 400 meter relay race. Frame-by-frame calculation of time of running, conducted using video camera, promoted estimation and objectification of a number of parameters giving opportunities not only to compare the contribution of this or that athlete in the common result, but also to assess technical correctness of each of three passes of the relay baton. The criteria and recommendations worked out by the researchers provided in the activity with the strongest athletes of the country for stabilization of key aspects of technical and tactical mastership in the interaction of athletes in the “passing zone”, as well as estimation of effectiveness of every participant of 4 х 400 meter relay race. It, in its turn, facilitated timely amendments in teams, starting in the final heat. The studies of competitive activity, conducted by a complex research-methods group, of the Russian athletics national team, provide for more qualitative assessment of mastership of sprinters specialized in relay race, estimation of individual contribution to general team result of a certain runner and increase of teams technical and tactical potential using possible reserves. The results of the performance of the Russian national team in the XXIX Olympic games (Peking, 2008) served an example of analysis of competitive activity of participants of 4 х 400 meter relay race in view of the developed criteria.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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