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Title: Итоги инвентаризации природноочаговых зоонозов в национальных парках Белорусского Полесья
Authors: Цвирко, Л.С.
Keywords: национальные парки
природноочаговые инфекции и инвазии
Issue Date: 2005
Citation: Цвирко, Л.С. Итоги инвентаризации природноочаговых зоонозов в национальных парках Белорусского Полесья / Л.С. Цвирко // Веснік Мазырскага дзяржаўнага педагагічнага ўніверсітэта: научный журнал. – 2005. – № 2 (13). – С. 61–67.
Abstract: The article presents the data on spreading of diseases of natural centers on specially resticted territories in the national parks, on the structure of these centres, peculiarities of epidemic and epizootic processes, on the influence of the ecosystems of the national parks on adjacent lands with an ordinary system of land tenure. Inventory making of natural centres of diseases in the national parks resulted in stating the natural centers of 14 infections common to man and animals. The zone of heightened epidemic danger is the restricted areas of the parks and the adjacent territories.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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