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dc.contributor.authorНикандров, В.Н.-
dc.contributor.authorЖук, О.Н.-
dc.contributor.authorГронская, Р.И.-
dc.contributor.authorПолукошко, Е.Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorПыжова, Н.С.-
dc.contributor.authorПетрусенко, Г.П.-
dc.contributor.authorРомановская, А.А.-
dc.contributor.authorNikandrov, V.N.-
dc.contributor.authorZhuk, O.N.-
dc.contributor.authorGronskaya, R.I.-
dc.contributor.authorPolukoshko, H.F.-
dc.contributor.authorPyzhova, N.S.-
dc.contributor.authorPetrusenko, H.P.-
dc.contributor.authorRomanovskaya, A.A.-
dc.identifier.citationПроблемы биотехнологии клеток нервной ткани: исследования белковых факторов трофического характера / В.Н. Никандров, О.Н. Жук, Р.И. Гронская, Е.Ф. Полукошко, Н.С. Пыжова, Г.П. Петрусенко, А.А. Романовская // Materials, Methods and Technologies: scientific articles / editorial board: K. Logachev [et al.]; the publication has been composed by: I. Genov. – Burgas, Bulgaria : Science Invest LTD – branch Bourgas, 2007. – P.
dc.descriptionThe results of own researches of a role of plasminogen, streptokinase, Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase and pyruvate kinase in vital activity of nervous tissue cells at organotypic and dissotiated cultures of sympathetic and sensory ganglia, neocortex, and also at transplanted lines of glioma C6, pheochromocytoma PC 12 and neuroblastoma IMR-32 are generalized. The neurotrophic role of the proteins, protective effect of plasminogen in 10–10-10–7M concentration on the cells of sympathetic ganglia, neocortex and transplanted cultures under the damaging effect of H2O2, glutamate, cold stress were demonstrated. The early unknown properties of oligomer of nerve growth factor and its three subunits were established: the participation in the proteolytic processes (plasminogen-activating and direct proteolytic activity), generating and transformation of active oxygen species, first of all, superoxide radical, endonuclease (DNA-ase and RNA-ase) activity. These facts allow to revise the mechanisms of biological effect of nerve growth factor and create preconditions for elaboration of approaches to creation of a ligand bio-imitators of the neurotrophin-specific
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.subjectnervous tissue cellsru
dc.subjectvital activityru
dc.subjectregulatory proteinsru
dc.subjectsuperoxide dismutaseru
dc.subjectpyruvate kinaseru
dc.subjectnerve growth factorru
dc.subjectfunctional properties of proteinmoleculeru
dc.titleПроблемы биотехнологии клеток нервной ткани: исследования белковых факторов трофического характераru
dc.title.alternativeThe problems of biotechnology of nervous tissue cells: the research of the protein factors of trophic characterru
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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