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Title: Регуляторные белки: функциональные свойства молекул и механизмы их биологического действия
Other Titles: Regulatory proteins: functional properties of molecules and mechanisms of their biological action
Authors: Никандров, В.Н.
Пыжова, Н.С.
Nikandrov, V.N.
Pyzhova, N.S.
Keywords: протеиназ
дифтерийный токсин
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Никандров, В.Н. Регуляторные белки: функциональные свойства молекул и механизмы их биологического действия / В.Н. Никандров, Н.С. Пыжова // Весцi Нацыянальнай акадэмii навук Беларусі. Сер. мед.-бiял. Навук : научный журнал. – 2003. – № 3. – С. 75-89.
Description: The study of a number of proteins with regulatory effects (streptokinase, streptolysin O, diphtheria toxin, interleukin-1, plasminogen, nerve growth factor and its subunits, proteinase inhibitors: soybean trypsin inhibitor, ovomucoid, ovoinhibitor) demonstrated some new features, such as plasminogen-activating, proteolytic, endonuclease, oxygen-radical-generating and superoxide-converging abilities. The features of these proteins were exerted to a different extent. The study results are generalized, a possible significance of demonstrated features for realization of proteins’ biological action is discussed.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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