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dc.contributor.authorAksenchik, N.V.-
dc.contributor.authorАксенчик, Н.В.-
dc.identifier.citationАксенчик, Н.В. The effectiveness of the information and education environment of a higher education institution / Н.В. Аксенчик // Устойчивое развитие экономики: состояние, проблемы, перспективы : сборник трудов XVII международной научно-практической конференции, Пинск, 28 апреля 2023 г. : в 2 ч. / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь [и др.] ; редкол.: В.И. Дунай [и др.]. – Пинск : ПолесГУ, 2023. – Ч. 2. – С. 209–
dc.description.abstractIn this article, the author considers the category of the effectiveness of the functioning of the information and educational environment of a higher education institution, taking into account the integration of its structural components and the selection of criteria for their meaningful content in the development of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the environment under
dc.publisherПинск : Полесский государственный университетru
dc.rightsоткрытый доступ-
dc.subjectinformation and communication technologiesru
dc.subjecthigher education institutionru
dc.subjectinformation and education environment of a higher education institutionru
dc.titleThe effectiveness of the information and education environment of a higher education institutionru
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