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Title: Изменения активности лактатдегидрогеназы культуры глиомы С6 под действием глицина
Other Titles: Alterations of С6 glioma culture lactate dehydrogenase activity under under the influence of glycine
Authors: Кепушевская, Т.В.
Никандров, В.Н.
Гронская, Р.И.
Kepushevskaya, Т.V.
Nikandrov, V.N.
Gronskaya, R.I.
Keywords: глицин
глиома С6
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Кепушевская, Т.В. Изменения активности лактатдегидрогеназы культуры глиомы С6 под действием глицина / Т.В. Кепушевская, В.Н. Никандров, Р.И. Гронская // Молодежь в науке – 2009: приложение к журналу «Весці нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі»: в 5 ч. – 2010. – Ч. 4: Серия биологических наук. Серия медицинских наук / [редкол.: И.Д. Волотовский, Е.Ф. Конопля и др.]. – С. 344-346.
Description: Rat C6 glioma cell culture has been investigated. The C6 glioma lactate dehydrogenase activity analysis under the effect of glycine in broad diapason of concentrations has been performed. With the help of C6 glioma cultivation method, biochemical technique of lactatedehydrogenase activity evaluation in cells and medium and spectrophotometric protein revelation the presence of low-affinity glycine uptake system in C6 glioma was revel. The essential decrease of glioma cell LDG activity was with 0.1; 10.0 and 25.0 mM glycine concentrations. The results of current research may make a valuable contribution to neural tissue cultivation and up-to-date neuropharmacology.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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