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dc.contributor.authorНикандров, В.Н.-
dc.contributor.authorКазючиц, О.А.-
dc.contributor.authorNikandruo, V.N.-
dc.contributor.authorKatyuchltt, O. A.-
dc.identifier.citationНикандров, В.Н. Модификация функциональных групп стрептокиназы при йодировании / В.Н. Никандров, О.А. Казючиц // Вопросы медицинской химии. – 1989. – Т. 35, вып. 1. – С.
dc.description.abstractModification of tyrosine residues was detected in streptokinase molecule during iodination. A nonlinear type of the modification reaction allowed to suppose that tyrosine residues were heterogenous. As shown by gel chromatography the modified streptokinase did not develops stable complexes with human plasminogen even at low ratios of iodine/streplokinase, however the activating effects of the streptokinase were maintained. During iodination the secondary structure of streptokinase appears to be altera, the level of which depended on the molar ratio iodine/
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.titleМодификация функциональных групп стрептокиназы при йодированииru
dc.title.alternativeModification of the streptokinase functional groups during iodinationru
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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