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Title: О пероксидазной активности вируса гриппа
Other Titles: On peroxidase activity of infuenza virus
Authors: Судник, Ю.М.
Клингер, Ю.Е.
Черенкевич, С.Н.
Никандров, В.Н.
Вотяков, В.И.
Sudnik, Yu.M.
Klinger, Yu.E.
Cherenkevich, S.N.
Nikandrov, V.N.
Votyakov, V.I.
Keywords: вирус гриппа
активированный кислород
железосеросодержащие белки
Issue Date: 1985
Citation: О пероксидазной активности вируса гриппа / Ю.М. Судник, Ю.Е. Клингер, С.Н. Черенкевич, В.Н. Никандров, В.И. Вотяков // Бюллетень экспериментальной биологии и медицины. – 1985. – Т. 100, № 12. – С. 688-690.
Abstract: The appearance of chemiluminescence has been detected in influenza virus-luminol-hydrogen peroxide system. An effective decrease of its intensity in the presence of oxygen radical scavengers (sodium azide, superoxide dismutase, mannitol, ethanol) is indicative of activated oxygen taking part in the reaction. Increased luminescence in the presence of o-phenanthroline and its suppression by antimycin A suggest that peroxidase-like activity of influenza virus is due to the presence in it of Fe-S-protein.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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