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Title: Преодоление нескрещиваемости при отдаленной гибридизации Malus и Cydonia
Authors: Бученков, И.Э.
Keywords: айва обыкновенная
яблоня домашняя
отдаленная гибридизация
Issue Date: 2006
Citation: Бученков, И. Э. Преодоление нескрещиваемости при отдаленной гибридизации Malus и Cydonia / И. Э. Бученков // Весці БДПУ. Серыя 3 : Фізіка. Матэматыка. Інфарматыка. Біялогія. Геаграфія. – 2006. – № 3. – С. 30-34.
Abstract: The influence of preliminary treatment of maternal plant pistils with the solutions of some biologically active substances was studied. These substances were shown to promote overcoming of incompatibility barrier in remote crossings of currant and gooseberry. The optimal effective concentrations for using these substances were determined.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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