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Title: Влияние температурного фактора на эмбриональное развитие центральных NO-оргических структур у гомойотермных организмов
Other Titles: Effect of the thermal factor on embryonal development of the central NO-ergic structures at homoiothermic organisms
Authors: Дунай, В.И.
Dunai, V.I.
Keywords: центральная нервная система
NO-оргические системы
эмбриональное развитие
эмбрионы утки
температурный фактор
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Минск
Citation: Дунай, В. И. Влияние температурного фактора на эмбриональное развитие центральных NO-оргических структур у гомойотермных организмов / В. И. Дунай // Здоровье и окружающая среда: сборник научных трудов / Республиканский науч.-практ. центр гигиены; гл. ред. С. М. Соколов. – Минск, 2007. – Вып. 10. – С. 1054-1061.
Abstract: The aim of this work was the study of the formation of NO-ergic systems of the frontal hypothalamus of duck embryos as the representative of homoiotermic birds in the period of the embryo development on this process. The experiments showed that the subthalamic area of 23-day-old duck embryos contains NADFH-d/CNO - positive neurons. It was also found out that 20-dayold embryos incubated at low temperature had CNO activity. This fact should be taken account for further investigation of influence of NO-dependent mechanisms in embryonic ontogenesis on thermoregulation under the influence of warmth, cold with the aim of correlation of embryonic development.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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