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dc.contributor.authorГоликова, А.С.-
dc.contributor.authorGolikava, H.-
dc.identifier.citationГоликова, А. С. Особенности взаимодействия финансовых организаций и их розничных клиентов в Республике Беларусь / А. С. Голикова // Банкаускі веснік. - 2024. - № 11 (736). - С. 42-56ru
dc.description.abstractThe author presents a group of indicators characterizing the interaction of consumers and suppliers of financial products and services. The development of these indicators was based on the methodological approaches of international organizations and financial regulatory and supervisory authorities, as well as the results of sociological surveys conducted to assess the level of financial literacy of the population of the Republic of Belarus. The features characterizing Belarusian consumers of financial products and services are described, and proposals are substantiated that, upon further study of the topic, will allow for a more detailed examination of the criteria for assessing the interaction of entities in the retail financial products and services
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.subjectфинансовый продукт/услугаru
dc.subjectпотребитель финансовых услугru
dc.subjectфинансовая грамотностьru
dc.subjectфинансовая организацияru
dc.subjectзащита прав потребителейru
dc.subjectfinancial product/serviceru
dc.subjectconsumer of financial servicesru
dc.subjectfinancial literacyru
dc.subjectfinancial institutionru
dc.subjectconsumer protectionru
dc.titleОсобенности взаимодействия финансовых организаций и их розничных клиентов в Республике Беларусьru
dc.title.alternativePeculiarities of Interaction Between Financial Institutions and Their Retail Clients in the Republic of Belarusru
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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