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Название: Importance of Foreign Direct Investment in Financing for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus
Авторы: Hrechyshkina, O.
Samakhavets, M.
Ключевые слова: innovative development
innovative activity
foreign investment
foreign direct investment
investment climate
technological mode
Дата публикации: 2018
Библиографическое описание: Hrechyshkina, O. Importance of Foreign Direct Investment in Financing for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus / O. Hrechyshkina, M. Samakhavets // Marketing and Management of Innovations. – 2018. – № 4. – S. 339-348.
Аннотация: The 21st-century trend is the acceleration of scientific and technical progress in conditions of the amplifying competition between producers for free market niches and between countries for leadership. The ideal development model of the modern state is the economy based on knowledge and innovations. At the same time the human potential and other factors of competitive advantages, new technologies are actively involved in this economy. So, conditions for economic growth and life quality improvement are created. Innovative development demands an adequate financial base. Insufficient financing will cause difficulties in the realization of ideas which connected with the introduction of innovative technologies, the release of hi-tech production, the realization of scientific and technical state capacity. Finally, it may lead to technological lag against the increasing level of knowledge intensity in the word. Therefore, the problem of search for adequate innovative development financing becomes important both from the point of view of theoretical judgment and in practice. The purpose of the article is the identification of the place, role and value of the direct foreign investment of innovative development financing of the Republic of Belarus. The carriedout analysis has shown that foreign direct investments inflows differ in considerable fluctuations from year to year. Debt tools prevail in foreign direct investments inflows structure and the investment climate of the Republic of Belarus needs improvement. Dynamic of foreign direct investment inflows are presented in branch and regional section. It is offered to concentrate efforts on foreign direct investments attraction to the hi-tech sector development which is based on V and VI technological modes. It will allow not only to improve investment potential of Belarus but to carry out structural economic transformation on the innovative way. Authors connect further research prospects with studying how to activate scientific and technical international cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with foreign countries. The main interest is cooperation with leading countries in technological development to find out the opportunities of successful experience application in the organization of innovative development financing of the Republic of Belarus, including foreign direct investment inflows.
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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