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dc.contributor.authorRoka-Moya, Y.M.-
dc.contributor.authorZhernossekov, D.D.-
dc.contributor.authorYusova, E.I.-
dc.contributor.authorKapustianenko, L.G.-
dc.contributor.authorGrinenko, T.V.-
dc.identifier.citationStudy of the sites of plasminogen molecule which are responsible for inhibitory effect of Lys-plasminogen on platelet aggregation / Y.M. Roka-Moya [и др.] // Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. – 2014. – Vol. 86, № 5. – P. 82-88.ru
dc.description.abstractPlasminogen/plasmin system is involved in such important processes as thrombosis, inflammation and cancer. plasmin and plasminogen mediate their action through plasminogen-binding proteins on the cell surface. Lys-plasminogen, but not Glu-plasminogen, shows inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation induced by aDp, collagen and thrombin in preparations of both: platelet-rich plasma and washed platelets. We have shown that the kringle domains of Lys-plasminogen mediate interaction of this proenzyme with platelet-surface proteins. the aim of the work is to study the role of certain kringle domains in the inhibitory effect of Lys-plasminogen and to determine possible plasminogen-binding proteins on the platelet surface. all studied plasminogen fragments (k1-3, k4 and k5) abolished the inhibitory effect of Lys-plasminogen on platelet aggregation. We observed that k5 was more effective than k1-3 and k4. Biotin-labeled Lys-plasminogen, Glu-plasminogen and plasminogen fragment K1-3 possessed the highest affinity for actin, whereas the binding of biotin-labeled mini-plasminogen and k4 to actin was negligible. We have suggested that inhibitory effect of Lys-plasminogen is due to the interaction of kringle domains of this proenzyme with membrane-bound proteins which are exposed on the platelet surface during activation and are involved in thrombus formation.ru
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.subjectplasminogen kringlesru
dc.subjectplatelet aggregationru
dc.subjectplatelet plasminogen receptorsru
dc.titleStudy of the sites of plasminogen molecule which are responsible for inhibitory effect of Lys-plasminogen on platelet aggregationru
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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