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Название: Стимуляция роста и развития листопадных форм Rhododendron in vivo с использованием установки освещения на основе светодиодов
Другие названия: Stimulation of growth and development of Rhododendron deciduous plants in vivo using of emplacement of illumination on the basis of light-emitting diodes
Авторы: Кудряшова, О.А.
Водчиц, М.П.
Глеб, Е.П.
Гук, Е.С.
Волотович, А.А.
Kudryashova, O.A.
Vodchic, M.P.
Gleb, E.P.
Guk, E.S.
Volotovich, A.A.
Ключевые слова: рододендрон
стимуляция роста
Дата публикации: 2011
Библиографическое описание: Стимуляция роста и развития листопадных форм Rhododendron in vivo с использованием установки освещения на основе светодиодов / О.А. Кудряшова [и др.] // Весцi Нацыянальнай акадэмii навук Беларусi. Серыя бiялагiчных навук. – 2011. – № 4. – С. 46-51.
Аннотация: The results of trials of the created pre-production model of a light-emitting diode lamp as well as comparative analysis of efficiency of use of light installations with different type of lamps for in vivo germination, growth and development stimulation of two investigated populations of Rhododendron luteum (L.) sweet are presented. Authentic influence of used lightemitting diode lamp type on germination increase is established. Authentic (in most cases, at Р < 0.01) increase in height of sprouts is revealed at use of the created lightemitting diode lamp. The three-factorial dispersive analysis has established authentic (in most cases, at Р < 0.01) influence of lamps type, of age and genotype of sprouts on variability of three analyzed traits.
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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