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Название: Financial aspects of the Belarusian foreign trade
Авторы: Samakhavets, M.P.
Hrechyshkina, O.O.
Ключевые слова: foreign trade
foreign economic activities
budget revenues
tax revenues
public finance
export customs duties
import customs duties
tax manoeuvre
Дата публикации: 2020
Библиографическое описание: Samakhavets, M.P. Financial aspects of the Belarusian foreign trade / M.P. Samakhavets, O.O. Hrechyshkina // Economic and Engineering Studies. - 2020. - Vol 1, Iss 7. - P. 16-21.
Аннотация: The article analyses customs regulation in the EAEU and its impact on the public finance of the EAEU Member-States. The largest share of tax revenues from the foreign economic activities in the budget revenues is in Belarus among the EAEU Member-States. The tax revenues from foreign economic activities are the second largest source of the Republican budget of Belarus. The problem of dependence budget revenues of the Republic of Belarus from foreign trade development indicators is identified. There were changes in the regulation foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus due to the signing of the Treaty on the EAEU. The setting of export customs duty rates applies to the national legislation of the EAEU Member-States. Import customs duties in the EAEU are distributed to the budgets of the Member States according to the standards. As the analysis showed, more revenues accounted for Belarusian import customs duties from 2012 to 2014, but there was a significant shift towards export customs duties since 2015. The article reveals that the main source of export customs duties was duties on the export of petroleum products. The tax manoeuvre in the Russian Federation from 2015 is a major influence on the tax revenues from foreign economic activities in the Republican budget of Belarus.
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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