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Название: Эффективность применения минеральных удобрений под яровую пшеницу на антропогенно-преобразованной торфяной почве
Другие названия: Efficiency of application of mineral fertilizers for spring wheat on anthropogenic-transformed peat soil
Авторы: Цыбулько, Н.Н.
Шашко, А.В.
Tsybulka, N.N.
Shashko, A.V.
Ключевые слова: антропогенно-преобразованные торфяные почвы
минеральные удобрения
Дата публикации: 2018
Библиографическое описание: Цыбулько, Н.Н. Эффективность применения минеральных удобрений под яровую пшеницу на антропогенно-преобразованной торфяной почве / Н.Н. Цыбулько, А.В. Шашко // Почвоведение и агрохимия: научный журнал. – 2018. – №1 (60). – С. 116–126.
Аннотация: Anthropogenic-transformed peat soil has been used to study the effectiveness of different rates of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat. It was found that with the content of mobile compounds of phosphorus 740–750 and potassium 600–650 mg/kg in soil, the optimal rates of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are P60K120. An increase in the rate of potassium to 160 does not contribute to a significant increase in the yield of grain. The greatest productivity of spring wheat is 38,1 centners per hectare. It is provided by fractional application of nitrogen at a rate of 120 kg, with reserves in the early spring period of mineral nitrogen in the soil of 90–100 kg/ha. The cost of producing 1 ton of grain decreases as the productivity of spring wheat increases. At yield levels of 20–25 centners/ha, the profitability of grain production does not exceed 20 per cent, at 25–30 centners/ha it fluctuates within 23–30 per cent and at 35–40 centners/ha 43–50 per cent. With a profitability of grain production of 24,0 % against P60K120, presowing application of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 60 kg/ha provides a profitability of,.5 % and a profit of 263,88 rubles/ha (133,0 $/ha). The fractional introduction of N90and N120 contributes to a significant increase in profits, respectively, 310,63 and 318,26 rubles per 1 ha (156,6 and 160,4 us dollars per 1 ha) with profitability levels of 42,3 and 43 %. The most effective for spring wheat is the use of N120P60K120in conjunction with copper-containing fertilizer (Cu200) and plant growth regulators, providing a profit of 383,46 rubles per 1 ha (193,3 $/ha) and a profitability of grain production of 49,6 %.
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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Tsybul'ko_N.N_Effektivnost'_primeneniia_mineral'nykh_udobrenii_pod iarovuiu pshenitsu na antropogenno-preobrazovannoi torfianoi pochve.pdf821.52 kBAdobe PDFОткрыть

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