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Название: Накопление 137Cs в растениях и продуктивность разнокомпонентных бобово-злаковых травосмесей на торфяно-глеевой почве при внесении макро- и микроудобрений
Другие названия: Accumulation of 137Cs in plants and productivity of multi-component legume-cereal grasses on peat-gley soil when applying macro- and microfertilizers
Авторы: Цыбулько, Н.Н.
Шашко, А.В.
Tsybulka, N.N.
Shashko, A.V.
Ключевые слова: сельскохозяйственные земли
минеральные удобрения
Дата публикации: 2021
Библиографическое описание: Цыбулько, Н.Н. Накопление 137Cs в растениях и продуктивность разнокомпонентных бобово-злаковых травосмесей на торфяно-глеевой почве при внесении макро- и микроудобрений / Н.Н. Цыбулько, А.В. Шашко // Почвоведение и агрохимия : научный журнал. - 2021. - № 2 (67). - С. 108-118.
Аннотация: No significant effect of the type of legume component in the legume-cereal grasses on the accumulation of 137Cs in hay has been established. On peat-gley soil, phosphoric and potash fertilizers in rates of R60K180, reduce the activity of 137Cs in the hay of the first mowing by 28–37 %, in the hay of the second mowing – by 23–34 %. Nitrogen fertilizers in a rate of N30 and together with microelements (Si, B, Mo) contribute to a decrease in the concentration of 137Cs in herbs by up to 2 times. The placement of legume-cereal grasses on peat-gley soils has limitations when using hay for meat livestock. When receiving hay of the second mowing without the use of fertilizers, the permissible density of soil contamination does not exceed 7–9 Ki/km2, when applying only phosphorus and potassium in rates of P60K180 –8–13 Ki/km2. When using N30-60P60K180 with microelements, it is possible to produce normatively pure grass hay with the participation of lyadvenets at a soil contamination density of 137Cs up to 23–27 Ki/km2, grass hay with the participation of clover – up to 18–20 Ki/km2 and grass hay with the participation of galega – up to 16–19 Ki/km2. The highest productivity was provided by legume-cereal grass mixture with eastern galega, which amounted to 144,4 c/ha of hay or 75,1 c/ha of fodder units and the payback of mineral fertilizers of 13,9 feed units when N60P60K180+ microelements were applied.
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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