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Title: Оперативная схема управления водным режимом почвы в вегетационный период на осушительно-увлажнительных польдерных системах
Other Titles: Substantiation of the simplified technology of operative control of the soil water regime during the vegetation period when using dried-moistened polder systems
Authors: Лихацевич, А.П.
Русецкий, А.П.
Likhatsevich, A.P.
Rusetsky, A.P.
Keywords: мелиорированные земли
Issue Date: 2007
Citation: Лихацевич, А.П. Оперативная схема управления водным режимом почвы в вегетационный период на осушительно-увлажнительных польдерных системах / А.П. Лихацевич, А.П. Русецкий // Весцi Нацыянальнай акадэмii навук Беларусi. Серыя аграрных навук : научный журнал. - 2007. - № 2. - С. 58-63.
Abstract: The article considers the simpliied technology of current control of the soil water regime during the vegetation period. It is based on periodic measurements of the position of ground water levels and water levels in channels. The technology includes the determination of controlling actions in order to provide a required direction of the ground stream relative to the position of a regulating system. The methods of determining the operation horizons of pumping on polders with computer-water removal for formation of necessary horizons in the channels of regulation sections are presented.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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