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Title: Модуляция центральной респираторной активности с помощью плазминогена, стрептокиназы и их комплексов с пируваткиназой
Other Titles: Modulation of the central respiratory activity by plasminogen, streptokynase and their complexes with pyruvatkynase
Authors: Никандров, В.Н.
Пятин, В.Ф.
Алексеева, А.С.
Мирошниченко, И.В.
Якунина, О.В.
Новоселова, А.М.
Гаркун, Ю.С.
Мурашко, О.Н.
Кульчицкий, В.А.
Nikandrov, V.N.
Pyatin, V.F.
Alexeyeva, A.S.
Miroshnichenko, I.V.
Yakunina, О.V.
Novoselova, A.M.
Garkun, Y.S.
Murashko, O.N.
Kulchitsky, V.A.
Keywords: плазминоген
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Модуляция центральной респираторной активности с помощью плазминогена, стрептокиназы и их комплексов с пируваткиназой / В.Н. Никандров [и др.] // Весцi Нацыянальнай акадэмii навук Беларусі. Серыя медыка-біял навук: научный журнал. – 2003. – № 2. – С. 40-43.
Abstract: During electrophysiological researches in brainstem-spinal cord preparations of newborn rats change inspiratory volleys and respiratory electric activity in ventral roots a cervical part of a spinal cord is revealed at perfusion of preparations with solutions containing plasminogen, streptokynase, pyruvatkynase or-complexes pyruvatkynase with these proteins. Plasminogen application on a brainstem surface there may come irreversible blockade of inspiratory activity. It is shown, that after addition pyruvatkynase to a solution containing plasminogen, and the subsequent perfusion of brainstem-spinal cord preparations with artificial cerebrospinal liquid, inspiratory activity is restored. The assumption that the received experimental facts will help to prove tactics directed on prevention of irreversible infringements of respiratory function at application these proteins at various diseases is stated.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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