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dc.contributor.authorГоликова, А.-
dc.contributor.authorGolikava, H.-
dc.identifier.citationГоликова, А. Мобильные финансовые приложения для частных клиентов: обзор рынка и методов построения рейтинга / А. Голикова // Банкаускі веснік : інфармацыйна-аналітычны і навукова-практычны часопіс. - 2022. - № 9 (710). - С.
dc.description.abstractThe article systematizes the Belarusian mobile financial applications available to private users according to the universality of their application and the number of downloads, as well as determines the average annual ratings on the AppStore and Google Play platforms. Foreign methodological approaches to building ratings of mobile financial applications are described, ratings of mobile services of Belarusian banks and limitations in their use are studied. The approaches that will increase the information value of the rating of mobile financial applications for all interested parties are
dc.rightsоткрытый доступru
dc.subjectмобильный банкингru
dc.subjectмобильное финансовое приложениеru
dc.subjectмагазин приложенийru
dc.subjectмобильный сервисru
dc.subjectрейтинг мобильных приложенийru
dc.subjectпользовательский сценарийru
dc.subjectmobile bankingru
dc.subjectmobile financial applicationru
dc.subjectapplication storeru
dc.subjectmobile serviceru
dc.subjectrating of mobile applicationsru
dc.subjectcustom scriptru
dc.titleМобильные финансовые приложения для частных клиентов: обзор рынка и методов построения рейтингаru
dc.title.alternativeMobile Financial Applications for Private Clients: Overview of the Market and Methods for Building a Ratingru
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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