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Title: Эффективность процесса выращивания и оценка риска потери массы рыбы
Other Titles: Efficiency of process of cultivation and the assessment of risk of loss of weight of fish
Authors: Shumak, V.
Keywords: рыбное хозяйство
рост рыбы
водоемы комплексного назначения
период выращивания
обмен веществ
growth of fish
reservoirs of complex appointment
cultivation period
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Shumak, V. Эффективность процесса выращивания и оценка риска потери массы рыбы = Efficiency of process of cultivation and the assessment of risk of loss of weight of fish / V. Shumak // Проблемы регионального и местного развития сельских районов в Европе = Problems of regional and local development diversity of rural areas in Europe : international conference materials faculty of economics West Pomeranian University of Texhnology in Szczecin, 20-21.06.2013 / Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie ; ed. B. Mickiewicz. – Szczecin: Foundation European Institute of Sustainable Development, 2013. – С. 277-281.
Abstract: Each technological stage is an achievement of a certain weight. The big duration of the period of cultivation of a landing material reduces possible risks of loss of weight.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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