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Title: Протеолиз белковых субстратов в гетерогенной системе : динамика белка и пептидных фракций в растворимой фазе
Other Titles: Proteolysis of protein substrates in heterogenous system : protein and peptide fraction dymamics in soluble phase
Authors: Никандров, В.Н.
Колос, В.А.
Купченко, О.К.
Nikandrov, V.N.
Kolos, V.A.
Kupchenko, O.K.
Keywords: proteolysis
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Никандров, В.Н. Протеолиз белковых субстратов в гетерогенной системе : динамика белка и пептидных фракций в растворимой фазе / В.Н. Никандров, В.А. Колос, О.К. Купченко // Новости медико-биологических наук : научно-практический и научно-теоретический журнал. – 2009. – Т. 2, № 4. – С. 49-56.
Description: New data on dynamics of protein, high-, medium- and low-molecular weight peptides in the soluble supernatants of pancreatic hydrolysates of beef, bovine heart (both substrates as hot-water extracted stuffing), “industrial” grade of casein and Hammersten’s casein at pH 8 and 5 as well as after additions of cupric (II) ions in the hydrolytic systems are stated. The dependence of obtained pancreatic hydrolysate composition on used protein is demonstrated. In the number of cases the oscillatory character of peptide fractions’ dynamics is exposed. The obtained data are discussed from the concept on proteolysis of protein substrates in heterogenous systems as the complex processes of maceration-extraction-hydrolytic character.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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