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Title: Значение миграционного потенциала моноцит-производных дендритных клеток при разработке терапевтических вакцин
Other Titles: Monocyte-derived dendritic cells migratory potential significance in therapeutic vaccine design
Authors: Суренский, С.В.
Никандров, В.Н.
Surensky, S.V.
Nikandrov, V.N.
Keywords: иммунопрофилактика
терапевтические вакцины
in vitro
Issue Date: 2009
Citation: Суренский, С.В. Значение миграционного потенциала моноцит-производных дендритных клеток при разработке терапевтических вакцин / С.В. Суренский, В.Н. Никандров // Новости медико-биологических наук. – 2009. – № 3. – С. 125-130.
Abstract: Efficient immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy requite enough immunocompetent antigenpresenting cells for activation of antigen-specific effector cells. This problem is resolved in vitro more then dozen years ago. The main difficulty to make use of these results in clinical practice is lost of migratory potential by dendritic cells the most powerful antigen-presenting cells. The article describes the complexity of this problem and suggest the possibility of its overcoming with combined approach.
Appears in Collections:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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