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Название: The investigation of bioactive compounds of wine, grape juice and boiled grape juice wastes
Авторы: Gülcü, M.
Uslu, N.
Özcan, M.M.
Gökmen, F.
Özcan, M.M.
Banjanin, T.
Gezgin, S.
Dursun, N.
Geçgel, Ü.
Ceylan, D.A.
Lemiasheuski, V.
Ключевые слова: wine
grape juice
boiled grape juice wastes
bioactive compounds
Дата публикации: 2018
Библиографическое описание: The investigation of bioactive compounds of wine, grape juice and boiled grape juice wastes / M. Gülcü, N. Uslu, M.M. Özcan [et al.] // Journal of food processing and preservation. – 2018. – Volume 43, Issue 1. – e13850.
Аннотация: In this study, bioactive compounds, oil, sugar, fatty acid, and mineral contents of grape wastes (pomace, skin, and seeds) obtained from wine, grape juice, and boilled grape juice production were investigated. Total phenol and tannin contents of grape by‐products varied between 31.2 mgGAE/g (molasses skin) and 98.97 mgGAE/g (wine seed); 96.93 mgTAE/g (grape juice pomace) and 138.67 mgTAE/g (molasses pomace), respectively. The highest (377.57 g/kg) and lowest (20.00 g/kg) total sugars were determined in molasses and wine skin wastes, respectively. Epicatechin contents of sampleswere found between 439.67 mg/kg (molasses skin) and 3,444.57 mg/ kg (molasses seed). The lowest and highest linoleic acids were determined in molasses skin oil (40.00%) and grape juice skin oil (51.10%). α‐Tocopherol contents of wine by‐product oils changed between 3.35 mg/kg (seed) and 6.42 mg/kg (pomace). The lowest and highest P contents were determined in molasses skin (17,563 mg/kg) and wine seed (29,634 mg/kg), respectively.
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников / Publications of the teaching stuff of Polessky State University

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