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Title: Lexico-stylistic features of the translation of economic mass media discourse
Authors: Астрейко, А.В.
Astreiko, A.V.
Keywords: discourse
mass media
economic text
translation transformations
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Пинск : Полесский государственный университет
Citation: Астрейко, А.В. Lexico-stylistic features of the translation of economic mass media discourse / А.В. Астрейко // Устойчивое развитие экономики: состояние, проблемы, перспективы: сборник трудов XVIII международной научно-практической конференции, Пинск, 26 апреля 2024 г. / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь [и др.]; редкол.: В.И. Дунай [и др.]. – Пинск : ПолесГУ, 2024. – С. 323-325.
Abstract: The urgency of the article is determined by the dynamic development of the media economic discourse, which makes it necessary to study its lexical and stylistic features. Moreover, the peculiarities of reproduction of terminological and emotional-evaluate vocabulary in the Russian-English translation have not found enough coverage.
Appears in Collections:2024 год

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