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Результаты 1-10 из 13.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The Effectiveness of Intercultural and Interpersonal Processes in Multicultural Professional TeamsMelnik, V.A.; Мельник, В.А.
2020Забеспячэнне нацыянальнай бяспекі ў экалагічнай сферы органамі і падраздзяленнямі па надзвычайных сітуацыях: прававыя і арганізацыйныя аспектыХрокалаỳ, В.А.; Khrokalau, V.A.
2020Models of Relations between the State and the Church in the Political History of RussiaKhaustova, N.A.; Хаустова, Н.А.
2020Сущностная характеристика понятия «взаимодействие» в системе «учитель-ученик»Науменко, Ж.Н.; Naumenko, Z.N.
2020Sociological Discourse of Culture: Experience in InterpretationMamedov, A.K.; Korkiya, E.D.; Volnistaya, M.G.; Мамедов, А.К.; Коркия, Э.Д.; Волнистая, М.Г.
2020The Impact of Digitalization on the Educational EnvironmentMashevskaya, O.V.; Машевская, О.В.
2020Values in Modern Education and Moral Upbringing of the IndividualSearko, I.L.; Kalenchuk, T.V.; Серко, И.Л.; Каленчук, Т.В.
2020The Results of the Organization of Physical Education of Students in the Integrated Educational Physical Culture and Sports EnvironmentGavrilik, M.V.; Гаврилик, М.В.
2020Information-Educational Environment and Security of the Modern PersonSokolova, A.A.; Sokolova, S.N.; Соколова, А.А.; Соколова, С.Н.
2020Problems and Trends of Development of National Security Issues Legal RegulationBrichkov, A.S.; Nikonorov, G.A.; Pertsev, A.A.; Брычков, А.С.; Никоноров, Г.А.; Перцев, А.А.